<-- start deel 10 -- > # Watchlist # "watchlist" => "Watch list", "watchlistsub" => "(for user \"$1\")", "nowatchlist" => "You have no items on your watchlist.", "watchnologin" => "Not logged in", "watchnologintext" => "You must be logged in to modify your watchlist.", "addedwatch" => "Added to watchlist", "addedwatchtext" => "The page \"$1\" has been added to your watchlist.", "removedwatch" => "Removed from watchlist", "removedwatchtext" => "The page \"$1\" has been removed from your watchlist.", "watchthispage" => "Watch this page", "unwatchthispage" => "Stop watching", "notanarticle" => "Not an article", # Delete/protect/revert # "deletepage" => "Delete page", "confirm" => "Confirm", "confirmdelete" => "Confirm delete", "deletesub" => "(Deleting \"$1\")", "confirmdeletetext" => "You are about to permanently delete a page or image along with all of its history from the database. Please confirm that you intend to do this, that you understand the consequences, and that you are doing this in accordance with [[Wikipedia:Policy]].", "confirmcheck" => "Yes, I really want to delete this.", "actioncomplete" => "Action complete", "deletedtext" => "\"$1\" has been deleted. See $2 for a record or recent deletions.", "deletedarticle" => "deleted \"$1\"", "dellogpage" => "Deletion_log", "dellogpagetext" => "Below is a list of the most recent deletions. All times shown are server (U.S. Pacific) time. ", "deletionlog" => "deletion log", "reverted" => "Reverted to earlier revision", "deletecomment" => "Reason for deletion", "imagereverted" => "Revert to earlier version was successful.", # Contributions # "contributions" => "User contributions", "contribsub" => "For $1", "nocontribs" => "No changes were found matching these criteria.", "ucnote" => "Below are this user's last $1 changes in the last $2 days.", "uclinks" => "View the last $1 changes; view the last $2 days.", # What links here # "whatlinkshere" => "What links here", "notargettitle" => "No target page", "notargettext" => "You have not specified which page to perform this function on.", "linklistsub" => "(List of links)", "linkshere" => "The following pages link to here:", "nolinkshere" => "No pages link to here.", "isredirect" => "redirect page", <-- einde deel 10 -- >